Small pit falls if posting to Facebook

I am not a SM (social media) guru like my friends Florian and Heiko from Kunkel & Kohl but I am a frequent and critical user of IT systems.
There is one thing I noticed when following Christian Louboutin and Jimmy Choo on Facebook.
Both brands are doing similar things they frequently post images of shoes – obviously. I like it a lot because thats why I am following a brand. However Jimmy Choo posts celebrities caught wearing Choos (forgive me) and Louboutin only posts their shoes.

Why am I mentioning this?
Because Jimmy Choo consistently fails to bring the main actor, the shoe, on the picture unless I click to enlarge. But why would I? I’ve seen the actress looking stunning so I move on. OK the name of the shoe is shown (Anouk). But how do I make a connection if I do not see it. I mean I do not see the product in below. Ah yes and on the desktop its the same. I really like the idea of bragging who is wearing your shoes. Thats all fine. But please keep stop hiding your amazing creations.


Louboutin makes it absolutely right. The shoe is in the center. There is a story being told an everything but the shoe / product is in the center of interest. And it gets me even interested because I now want to know the name of the shoe. So I start going to their site and look around.


Travel socially

I extended my business stay in South Africa by a few days on a private basis.
Since I wanted to see a few things around I asked colleagues on how to organize my trip. They told me: get a car. Go drive and if you feel like it get a hotel from Trip Advisor.
I was curious but I took it as advice from a trusted person and did as told.
I have to say. It was a really good advice. I never used a “social” travel tool before.

Continue reading “Travel socially”


Neulich in Fulda auf dem Flohmarkt im Rosengarten- Parkhaus hat es mich mal eben so “midstride” in der Luft angehalten weil ich diese Stilblüte auf der Seitenscheibe eines dort geparkten Minivans gesehen habe. Hätte beinahe nen Arthur Dent gemacht und fliegen gelernt. Leider war kein steiler schottriger Abhang in der Nähe.

Ehrlich gesagt weiss ich nicht mal was mich am meisten schockiert hat.

  • Comic Sans MS (mal ernsthaft das hat doch einer angefertigt der nen Schneidplotter besitzt. Hat der keine Berufsehre?)
  • “fühlt dein Problem” das ist so abgedroschen, dass ICH sprachlos bin

Wer die Dienste von Karin in Anspruch nehmen will kann gerne mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen. Ich maile auch eine “unretuschierte” Version.

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